Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Evan Almighty (2007)

Genre: Drama/Comedy/Fantasy

Starring: Morgan Freeman, Steve Carrell, Lauren Graham, John Goodman, Wanda Sykes, John Michael Higgins

Bruce Almighty, the predecessor to this movie, focused on Bruce and his tryst with God in the bid to outdo Evan. Now, Evan Baxter (Carrell) faces God (Freeman) when he decides to quit journalism in favour of running for Congress. His slogan, ‘Change the World’ attracts a lot of following and attention which wins him an office in Congress. Congressmen Long (Goodman) is pushing for a new land reform bill for which he wants Evans backing. Evan does the mistake, or maybe the right thing, by asking God for help in ‘Changing the World’. God instructs him to create an Ark if he wants to achieve his goal and forces him to become Noah and build a huge boat which would survive an inevitable flood that God would bring down upon the people of New York. The movie is very different from the previous movie and lacks the slapstick humour and stupidity that is often associated with Jim Carrey. Carrell tries his best at being funny, but is no Carrey. That said, the movie is far from boring and is a decent entertainment and a way to kill time but does not score very high on the 'Movies to Watch Before I Die' list.

Thumbs up: A good entertainer
Thumbs down: Could be funnier, maybe Carrey should have been around

Rating: 6.5/10

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

The Six Wives of Henry Lefay (2009)

Genre: Drama/Comedy

Starring: Tim Allen, Barbara Barrie, Elisha Cuthbert, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Jenna Elfman, Andie MacDowell, S. Epatha Merkerson, Eric Christian Olsen, Lindsay Sloane, Paz Vega

The name; just read the name, again and again. The title gives away each and every little aspect of the movie but its still my duty to run you through the 90 minute piece of boredom. Henry Lefay (Allen) is a man of many women who starts dating a new one the moment he is bored of the current one. Wife No.1 Effa (Merkerson) the wife that nobody knew existed, wife No. 2 Kate (MacDowell) who thought she was the first wife all along until Effa came by, also the only wife to have borne Henry a child named Barbara (Cuthbert). Wife No. 3 & 5 Ophelia (Elfman) the sex-hungry cougar and the only one to have married Henry twice. Wife No. 4 Veronica (Vega) the Spanish beauty who stayed on with Henry as a business partner and wife No. 6 Autumn (Sloane) who is almost as old as Barbara and Sarah Jane (Dewan-Tatum) his girlfriend whom he was going to marry and divorce Autumn for. Henry dies in a para sailing accident in Mexico and Barbara needs to take care of his last rights, along with bringing all the wives together and coming to a conclusion on how the funeral/cremation should be since Henry conveniently left various instructions with different wives. The movie sounds interesting but it sadly isn't. All hopes of good humour are quickly dispelled and one is left with a boring and dragged movie that had far more potential. Performances were mediocre, some slightly humorous bits were ok and you don't need a psychic octopus to figure out where the movie is taking you. 

Thumbs up: Good story
Thumbs down: Bad execution, lack of good humour

Rating: 5.7/10

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Desvendando a música "Paschendale" Do Iron Maiden

Esta música descreve as ações de um soldado que lutou na batalha de Paschendale, também conhecida como “A Terceira Batalha de Ypres”, uma das maiores da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Neste conflito, contra o exército alemão lutaram os exércitos canadense e britânico, além do ANZAC, grupo de tropas da Austrália a Nova Zelândia. O conflito se deu pelo controle da vila de Paschendale (conhecida como Passchendaele naquele tempo), perto da cidade de Ypres, na província de Flandres, Bélgica. O controle da região romperia a linha de defesa alemã, abrindo caminho à costa belga, onde estavam instaladas bases de submarinos alemães.

O solo nos arredores de Paschendale era composto por pântanos, encharcados durante todo o ano, independentemente do clima. O ataque aéreo lançado pelos bombardeiros ingleses com a finalidade de destruir as barricadas e metralhadoras alemãs danificou ainda mais o terreno, e em conjunto com as chuvas de agosto formaram grandes “lagos” de lama líquida, onde muitos tanques afundaram e muitos soldados se afogaram.

Em seis de novembro de 1917, após três meses de luta, o exército canadense finalmente tomou Paschendale, encerrando o conflito. E é neste ponto que se encontra o soldado ao início da música, ferido mortalmente no campo de batalha.

A melodia divide-se em três momentos principais:
- a “calmaria” dentro da batalha, quando o soldado está entrincheirado ou escondido, esperando para entrar em ação (correr para uma outra trincheira ou atacar um ponto estratégico, por exemplo), caracterizado por uma seqüência de riffs pesados, embora lentos (primeiro momento);
- a ação em si, onde a velocidade da música aumenta e o tom vocal torna-se mais agressivo (segundo momento);
- o momento em que o soldado se lembra de sua casa, seu lar, quando a música assume um ritmo mais cadenciado (a característica “cavalgada”) durante o refrão (terceiro momento).

Observação: durante a tour “Death On The Road”, antes desta música ser executada, era apresentada uma introdução em que Bruce Dickinson recitava o seguinte trecho do poema “Anthem For Doomed Youth”, de Wilfred Owen (1893-1918):

“What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns
Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells”

Caído no campo de batalha, em seu leito de morte, o soldado começa a lembrar o que se passou:

In a foreign field he lays,
Lonely soldier, unknown grave
On his dying words he prays
Tell the world of Paschendale

Fortes acordes são tocados, como se flashes da batalha passassem pela mente do soldado. As primeiras e calmas notas são tocadas novamente em seguida:

Relive all that he’s been through
Last communion of his soul
Rust your bullets with his tears
Let me tell you ’bout his years

Após a repetição dos fortes acordes a música engrena, e riffs pesados, porém lentos, são tocados (primeiro momento) enquanto o soldado passa a descrever em flashback a situação em que se encontrava:

Laying low in a blood filled trench
Killing time ’til my very own death
On my face I can feel the falling rain
Never see my friends again

In the smoke in the mud and lead
Smell the fear and the feeling of dread
Soon be time to go over the wall
Rapid fire and the end of us all

Agachado em uma trincheira, com sangue e lama por todos os lados. A chuva cai, e o cheiro de chumbo e de morte está por toda parte. Ele aguarda o momento certo para a ofensiva, e sabe que em breve irá se expor, arriscar a vida, em busca do objetivo. Nada mais lhe resta além de aceitar o fato de que já está morto. A música parte para o segundo momento, descrito anteriormente:

Whistles, shouts and more gun fire
Lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire
Battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb
Be reunited with my dead friends soon

Many soldiers eighteen years
Drown in mud no more tears
Surely a war no one can win
Killing time about to begin

A letra fala de “apitos, gritos e mais tiros”, o que caracteriza o comando para que os soldados entrem em ação, ou seja, a indicação de um superior, aos gritos e sopros de apitos, e o chamado covering fire, ou seja, os tiros de “cobertura” disparados pelos que ficaram na trincheira.

O soldado se depara com os companheiros que não conseguiram passar com vida por este trecho do campo de batalha (a chamada “No Man’s Land”, ou “Terra de Ninguém”). Há corpos pendurados nas cercas de arame farpado, além de soldados afogados na lama. Sua esperança se vai, e ele entende que em uma guerra não há vencedores. Pensa em sua casa, e em como queria ter outra chance de viver. Vem o refrão (terceiro momento):

Home, far away
From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away
But the war, no chance to live again

Uma ponte para a estrofe seguinte, constatando o grande número de mortes da batalha:

The bodies of ours and our foes
The sea of death it overflows
In no man’s land god only knows
Into jaws of death we go

O segundo momento é executado novamente, demonstrando o desespero do soldado ao desejar que ninguém mais morra:

Crucified as if on a cross
Allied troops they mourn their loss
German war propaganda machine
Such before has never been seen

Swear I heard the angels cry
Pray to god no more may die
So that people know the truth
Tell the tale of Paschendale

É mostrado o lado religioso do ser humano, uma vez que o soldado pensa ter ouvido anjos chorarem e reza para que não haja mais mortes. A história existe para que os erros do passado não sejam repetidos pelas futuras gerações, e é isto que ele pensa agora, desejando também que todos conheçam e contem a história de Paschendale.

Após um interlúdio, a melodia retorna ao primeiro momento. A letra fala da crueldade humana, não satisfeita com o sofrimento e o terror dos combatentes inimigos. Cada homem cumpre seu papel na cruel realidade da guerra:

Cruelty has a human heart
Every man does play his part
Terror of the men we kill
The human heart is hungry still

I stand my ground for the very last time
Gun is ready as I stand in line
Nervous wait for the whistle to blow
Rush of blood and over we go

Entra o solo de Dave Murray, e em seguida o de Adrian Smith. O soldado se posiciona, mantém seu posto pela última vez. Descreve a sensação de estar alinhado com os companheiros, com a arma na mão, nervoso, à espera de um comando de seu superior para atacar. O sangue jorra como a chuva, e nem o som dos disparos das armas é alto o suficiente para encobrir a vergonha que os combatentes sentem.

Blood is falling like the rain
It’s crimson cloak unveils again
The sound of guns can’t hide their shame
And so we die on Paschendale

Entra o solo de Janick Gers. O comando é dado, e eles partem para seu último ataque (segundo momento da melodia):

Dodging shrapnel and barbed wire
Running straight at the cannon fire
Running blind as I hold my breath
Say a prayer symphony of death

As we charge the enemy lines
A burst of fire and we go down
I choke a cry but no one hears
Fell the blood go down my throat

O soldado descreve um ataque praticamente suicida: eles avançam contra as linhas inimigas, correndo e segurando a respiração, desviando de cercas de arame farpado de encontro ao fogo adversário. Um disparo do canhão, e todos caem. O lamento sufocado do soldado não pode ser ouvido por ninguém, enquanto este sente o sangue descendo pela garganta. Ele pensa em sua casa, distante, enquanto percebe sua vida se esvair:

Home, far away
From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away
But the war, no chance to live again

De volta ao cenário inicial, o soldado caído no campo de batalha finalmente dá seu último suspiro. Seu espírito e o de seus companheiros se vão com o vento, sem importar-se com as linhas inimigas. Inimigos e aliados se encontrarão novamente na outra vida.

See my spirit on the wind
Across the lines beyond the hill
Friend and foe will meet again
Those who died at Paschendale

Cerca de 250 mil homens dos exércitos aliados morreram na Batalha de Paschendale, e houve praticamente o mesmo número de baixas do lado alemão.

Iron Maiden na capa da Metal Hammer polonesa

Iron Maiden é capa da nova edição da Metal Hammer polonesa.

Pyaar Ka Punchnama (2011)

Genre: Comedy/Drama/Romance

Starring: Raayo Bakhirta, Kartikeya Tiwari, Divyendu Sharma, Nushrat Bharucha, Sonalli Sehgal, Ishita Sharma

The biggest tragedy of a mans life, without a girlfriend your sex and love deprived and with one all the happiness of your life is sucked. Three young men learnt this the hard way when they decided to abandon to path of 'guys only' to tread the path of love and lust. Rajat aka Rajjo (Tiwari) starts dating Neha (Bharucha) an over-possessive, demanding and dominating woman. Liquid aka Nishant (Divyendu Sharma) falls in love with Charu (Ishita Sharma) a fresher at work but unfortunately she is already booked in a long-distance relationship. Choudhry aka Vikrant (Bakhirta) gets into a relationship with Rhea (Sehgal) who keeps going back to her ex and cant seem to get over him. Each of them become dogs behind their respective women and realise that they have lost all the fun and frolic that previously existed in their lives. The movie starts off at a good note with funny, urban humour and a constant cascade of abuses. The movie is a decent entertainer overall but suffers from the typical Bollywood infection. Its stretched, over-dramatised, needless songs and progresses slowly. The humour soon fizzles towards drama and romance and concludes with a highly predictable outcome. Yet, in spite all these flaws, the movie is a good watch especially either with your loved ones or a gang of friends.

Thumbs up: Different humour from the normal slapstick in Bollywood
Thumbs down: Stretched and suffers from typical Bollywood drawbacks

Rating: 7.0/10

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

The Fighter (2010)

 Genre: Sports/Drama/Action/Biography

Starring: Amy Adams, Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg, Melissa Leo

Based on the true life story, Micky Ward (Wahlberg) is an Irish-American welterweight professional boxer who has been living in the shadow of his elder brother and dominating mother. His elder half-brother, Dicky Eklund (Bale) was a not so successful boxer whose only shot to fame was when he knocked down Sugar Ray and became a local hero. Dicky became a crack addict and failed to train his brother correctly due to which he simply kept getting older without getting anywhere. Micky's mother, Alice (Leo) was Mickey's manager who doted on her elder son, overlooked all his wrongs and chose to control most of Micky's life. A string of wrong decisions, lost fights and bad training saw Micky going down in boxing which also led him to lose all self-confidence. He fell in love with bar girl Charlene (Adams) who made him stand up against his family and choose what is right and what is wrong for himself rather than let his mom and brother call the shots. The movies biggest and greatest highlight is Christian Bale and his fantastic performance. Nobody would say that the thin, dazed, doped and pale actor was the very same man who previously played Batman and many more such roles in his career. Bale and his performance shone throughout the movie accompanied by Adams for which they both won supporting actor awards. An enticing and interesting movie which is almost flawless.

Thumbs up: Marvellous acting and performances
Thumbs down: None in particular

Rating: 8.2/10

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

The Karate Kid (1984)

Genre: Sports/Drama/Action

Starring: Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, Elizabeth Shue, Martin Kove, Randee Heller, William Zabka

Daniel (Macchio) and his mother Lucille (Heller) have just moved in to Los Angeles from Newark when Daniel’s mother got a new job offer. Daniel is not liking the move and is finding it hard to adjust. He befriends and falls in love with Ali Mills (Shue) who comes from an affluent family who too loves him back. Ali's ex-boyfriend Johnny (Zabka) is jealous of Ali's new love and does not like the fact that she has gotten over him for someone else. Johnny makes Daniel’s life miserable by beating him up and bullying him at every opportunity. Daniel is unable to stand up for himself and Ali does not appreciate that. Mr. Miyagi (Morita) is the local repairman in Daniel’s neighborhood who learns of Daniel’s problem and agrees to teach him Karate to defend himself. Daniel has two months to train himself for the big championship where he intends to take Johnny down once and for all. The movie has garnered a cult following over the years and has become a known name in martial arts movies. The character of Mr. Miyagi as the wise Japanese old man has been replicated through various forms over the years. The plot, however, is too basic and highly predictable right till the very end. In spite of its overtly predictable plotline, the movie manages to keep audiences engaged and shows the true spirit of Karate over what the commercial Karate schools intend to teach. A good entertainer for the entire family.

Thumbs up: Great action-packed martial arts entertainment
Thumbs down: Simply and predictable story

Rating: 6.8/10

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Armageddon (1998)

Genre: Science-fiction/Adventure/Action/Drama

Starring: Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, William Fichtner, Owen Wilson, Michael Clarke Duncan, Peter Stormare, Ken Hudson Campbell, Jessica Steen

World catastrophe movies are not new but somehow Armageddon stands out from the crowd. Harry (Willis) is a business tycoon who has made a fortune from drilling oil. His hands-on approach and close involvement in his rigs has given him the title of being the world’s most experienced and accomplished driller. He and his team have drilled on every possible location and situation that Earth could throw up to him and this time he faces a new situation, something even beyond Earth. A huge asteroid, the size of Texas, is heading towards Earth which would most likely result in the extinction of all life forms on Earth. NASA has a limited time frame and tries all possible options to put Earth out of harms way and the only solution appears to be to land a team of astronauts on the asteroid, drill a hole 800 feet deep and plant a nuclear bomb within it. Who else than the accomplished Harry Stamper to do the job? The movie seems very far-fetched in most ways. Firstly, the whole concept of landing on an Asteroid and drilling through it is too outlandish for anyone’s likings. The action is very typically Michael Bay with random and incoherent explosions which are over-dramatised. The only commendable aspect of the entire movie is the method in which the audience tends to fuse with the characters and share the emotions and bonds of love and death. The drama adds tremendous value to the movie and without it, the movie would probably be a complete washout.

Thumbs up: Great mix of action and emotion
Thumbs down: Too outlandish and bizarre

Rating: 7.3/10 

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

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