Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Fabian Terus Berevolusi

Dulu saya bukan orang yang bervisi untuk memiliki mesin untuk sebuah studio design. Karena saya mengandalkan senjata rahasianya adalah "kreatif" sebagai ujung tombak dari sebuah studio design. Tapi kini dibawah kepemimpinan kenan fabian visi itu bergerak dan berevolusi. 

Kini mereka memiliki 2 mesin press dan terus update masalah perkembangan mesin per bulannya. Mereka mendatangangi suplayer-suplayer mesin untuk mempelajari permasalahan mesin dan pengetahuannya. Akhirnya mereka (fabian Studio) kini memiliki beberapa mesin.

Awalnya saya menentang untuk memiliki mesin pada saat kenan fabian mengajukan arah pengembangannya. Namun begitu dia beberkan beberapa visi barunya tentang studio yang akan diusungkannya, maka saya tertarik. 

"Kreatifitas itu bukan hanya apa yang didesign, melainkan kreatifitas adalah apa yang dihasilkannya (produk)", Setidaknya ini sebuah argumentasi yang kuat, yang membuat saya berfikir ulang, memang sudah saatnya mereka berkembang dan berevolusi. 

Ini bukan permasalahan saya pribadi, tapi ini menjadi permasalahan mereka (fabian Studio), maka sebenarnya mereka yang jelas lebih mengetahui duduk permasalahannya. 

Dari pemikiran itu maka saya harus mendukung atas apa yang mereka kerjakan terhadap studio mereka (fabian Studio).

"Dan bukan cuma cukup sampai disini aja jo, nanti fabian juga akan beli mesin-mesin besar",  lanjut kenan berstatement. 

Saya mulai melihat semangat mereka untuk tumbuh, saya mulai melihat mereka terus berevolusi, bermetamorfosis layaknya kepompong yang berusaha menjadi kupu-kupu. 

Maju terus aja untuk Fabian Studionya, saya siap mendukung Anda semua. 

Salam Kreatif, 

@rie fabian 

Parting Shots...

Ok, so last week I wrote about great songs that opened albums.  Beatles producer George Martin is oft quoted that an album needs to start with what he called a good “potboiler.”  But how does one finish an album?  I would think songs that finish an album have to have two things – 1) leave your audience wanting more for the next album.  The listener’s reaction should not “meh”; 2) have a song that can’t possibly be followed by any other on a given album.  I haven’t found nearly as many closing songs as I have opening songs, hence a much shorter list.

The End [The Doors, The Doors, 1967] – The surviving Doors themselves will play any song except this one. Remember, this was the mid-1960s, and songs like this were just starting to be accepted as something to be listened to.  This was the era when music was getting away from the very tight 3-minute format and has to have a good beat you can dance to.  How does one dance to a “kill the father, fuck the mother” story, especially an entrancing 11-minute epic like this one?  This got the Doors fired from the Whiskey A Go-Go, but it also got them a recording contract.  After 45 years it’s still amazing music.

Whipping Post [Allman Brothers Band, The Allman Brothers Band, 1969] – Gregg Allman is mistreated by a woman and boy is he pissed about it.  This song follows Dreams, the slow 7-minute spellbinding glimpse into Gregg Allman’s Southern Gothic visions.  Berry Oakley’s thunderous bass intro sets the ominous tone, the drummers are relentless, Duane and Dickey are blistering.  Gregg is channeling bluesmen from years past to give a vocal performance that belies his 22 years.  How could such a young guy be so world-weary? 

Won't Get Fooled Again [The Who, Who's Next, 1971] – Who’s Next was quite an album.  It has their best opening song [Baba O’Riley] and their best closing song [Won’t Get Fooled Again].  There’s a lot of good stuff in-between as well.  The live version from The Kids Are Alright is even better because of John Entwistle.

Hallowed Be Thy Name [Iron Maiden, The Number of the Beast, 1982] – Iron Maiden’s best song and it’s a beauty.  It opens with an atmosphere of doom as the song’s protagonist is waiting in a jail cell to be hanged.  There are quite a few tempo changes throughout, and Bruce Dickinson sings his butt off.  This is a master class in progressive metal.  Their version from Rock in Rio is even better.

Desolation Row [Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, 1965] – “They’re selling postcards of the hanging…  Eleven minutes with a lot of singing – how does Dylan [or anyone else] remember all the words?

Truckin' [Grateful Dead, American Beauty, 1970] – “Living on reds, Vitamin C and cocaine, all a friend can say is ‘ain’t it a shame’….  What a long strange trip indeed.

A Day in the Life [The Beatles, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967] – The Beatles had lots of great songs to start albums, but not a lot to finish them.  There’s A Day in the Life and Tomorrow Never Knows, both of which can’t possibly be followed by another song on their respective albums.  I chose this one with the flip of a coin.

When the Levee Breaks [Led Zeppelin, LZ IV, 1971] – Two words – John Bonham.  Undoubtedly the best drum sound he ever got on any Led Zeppelin recording was recorded in a spiral staircase at Headley Grange.  The bass drum sounds like a cannon shot.  The rest of the band doesn’t sound too bad either.

Brain Damage/Eclipse [Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon, 1973] – Technically these are two songs, but like ZZ Tops’ Waitin’ for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago, you never hear one without the other.  On most of Pink Floyd’s albums, the last song was an anti-climax, but this is a great climax.  There’s no dark side of the moon really…matter of fact it’s all dark…

Moonlight Mile [Rolling Stones, Sticky Fingers, 1971] – This is one of the best ballads the Stones ever recorded. It’s about life as a coked-up rock star keeping up appearances on the road that gently closes Sticky Fingers. It’s an oriental-sounding piece with a string section courtesy of Paul Buckmaster. There’s no Keith in sight on this one – there doesn’t need to be as both Micks have the musical end covered very well.

Voodoo Child [Slight Return] [Jimi Hendrix Experience, Electric Ladyland, 1968] – At first I thought Are You Experienced? would be the Hendrix song, but something in the back of my mind said there was something better, and I remembered this song [Doh!].  Hendrix’s best album ends with a one-two punch of All Along the Watchtower and Voodoo Child [Slight Return].  How could I forget?

Redemption Song [Bob Marley, Uprising, 1980] – This is the last song from Bob Marley’s last album to be released in his lifetime.  It’s just him and an acoustic guitar – very un-reggae.  There is an electric band version, but it doesn’t convey the power of the message as the solo acoustic version. The lines "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery/None but ourselves can free our minds" come from a speech by Marcus Garvey.  Political anthems don’t get much more enduring than this.

Keep Me In Your Heart [Warren Zevon, The Wind, 2003] – Warren Zevon knew he was dying when he made this.  The song says “goodbye” in a very poignant, tender way.  This song kept running through my head at my brother-in-law’s funeral.

The Show Must Go On [Queen, Innuendo, 1991] – Freddie Mercury knew he was dying when he made this.  A most dramatic way to end a career – how typical of Freddie.

Let It Rain [Eric Clapton, Eric Clapton, 1970] – The first time I saw Eric Clapton was at Red Rocks in 1983.  We had good weather until this song.  When Clapton sang “Let It Rain…,” we got rain.  He really is God! J  That being said, this song, and the solo that goes with it, is really the first shot of Eric Clapton’s solo career.

The Thrill Is Gone [BB King, Completely Well, 1969] – BB King’s most famous song.  BB wrings a lot of emotion out of Lucille.  He’s finally away from a possessive woman, but he sounds more relieved than happy about the situation.  Originally, BB didn’t want the strings on the song, but after he slept on it he thought they were ok.  At the time, this was a departure for him.  This is one of the best “kiss-off” songs of all time.  An absolute necessity for any blues fan.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

The Karate Kid (2010)

Genre: Action/Sports/Drama

Starring: Jaden Smith, Jacki Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhenwei Wang

A remake of the 1984 classic, the movie tells film-makers exactly how a remake should be made. Rather than lifting each and every thing from the original movie and simply reproducing it in modern times, the movie greatly improves on the story, setup and cast to not just replicate the original but to make it better and more appealing to modern audiences. Dre Parker (Smith) has moved to China with his mother (Henson) since she got a new job in Beijing. Dre finds it extremely hard to adjust with the Chinese students and soon gets bullied by Cheng (Wang) and his friends when Dre tries to befriend Meiying (Han). Dre bears the brunt and is regularly beaten up due to their superior Kung Fu skills that Dre just doesn't have. Dre's apartment house maintenance man Mr. Han (Chang) sees Dre's situation and agrees to help him. Peace talks with Cheng's Kung Fu master, Master Li (Yu) go nowhere and Mr. Han proposes a fight at the Kung Fu tournament. Dre must train under the guidance of Mr. Han regularly is he wishes to emerge as the final winner and win back his honour. The movie carefully replaces USA with China, Karate with Kung Fu, Mr. Miyagi with Mr. Han but leaves everything else to be the same. Lovers of the original would not cry foul but instead love the remake for what it is. It may not take the movie to another level but it lives up to its reputation which is more than just enough. Jackie Chan sheds his Chinese Kung Fu warrior image to take on a more peaceful, unfit Kung Fu master and does a lot by doing so little. Good enough or maybe a little bit better than the original too.

Thumbs up: Jackie Chan
Thumbs down: Doesn't substantially improve the original

Rating: 6.8/10

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Sejenak Bersama Tuna Netra

Di sekitar lingkungan saya terdapat sebuah Yayasan Tuna Netra, dan saya sempat mengamati sesekali banyak sekali orang yang lalu lalang berdatangan ketempat itu. Disela penasaran saya, maka saya tanyakan kepada warga sekitar, ternyata itu memang Yayasan khusus untuk orang yang Tuna Netra. Lalu saya bertanya ada beberapa orang yang berdatangan kesana dia bukan Tuna Netra, dan warga pun menjawab, kalau itu dia memang membuka pijit untuk umum. 

Maka saya mencoba untuk mendaftarkan diri saya ketempat Tuna Netra tersebut. Saya mendaftarkan diri untuk menggunakan jasa urutnya. Akhirnya saya dipanggil setelah menunggu beberapa orang. Dan di urutlah saya berjalan sekitar 1 jam an. Urutannya memang luar biasa, bukan sembarang mengurut pastinya.

Disela-sela di urut saya memberanikan diri untuk bertanya tentang kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja yang dilakukan kepada Yayasannya. Dan karena tidak puas maka saya meminta waktu setelah selesai urut untuk menginterview beliau, diluar dugaan, ternyata saya disambut dengan baik. 

Saya membuat janji 1 hari setelah saya diurut, dan keesokan harinya saya konfirmasi, ternyata memang beliau siap untuk saya wawancarai (Sok jadi wartawan). 

Lalu saya datang ketempat beliau kembali dengan bermodalkan BB untuk mencatat sekiranya ada yang bisa saya abadikan dalam tulisan saya. 

Namanya  Pak Panggeng, "gak usah pakai nama samaran mas kalau mau ditulis diblog", itu pintanya. Saya sangat senang sekali tentunya. Pak Panggeng ini memiliki 2 orang anak yang kebetulan kedua-duanya adalah Laki-laki. Pak Panggeng ini mengalami "kebutaan" dikarenakan sakit, bukan turunan. Jadi kedua anaknya terlahir normal tentunya. 

Yayasan Tuna Netra yang dibangun oleh Pak Panggeng ini mencakupi wilayah Tangerang dan sekitarnya, alamak luas juga ternyata. Karena Yayasan yang dimiliki oleh Pak Panggeng ini masih terbilang jarang, bahkan dinas sosial pun belum tentu membuatkan tempat semacam ini satu untuk satu daerah. 

Semangat yang luar biasa memang tampak pada wajah beliau. Walaupun beliau Tuna Netra tapi beliau tidak seperti kebanyakan, beliau tetap sibuk dengan handphonenya. Dalam Yayasan Tuna Netra ini beliau membuka kelas yaitu, Alqur'an, Memijat dan Komputer. 

Alqur'an yang berjenis Braile, tapi komputernya ? 
Setidaknya itu pertanyaan untuk saya, namun saya diajak kedalam kelasnya beliau. Dinyalakanlah komputernya dan ditunjukkannya cara dia menggunakannya. 

Subhanallah .... 

Komputer itu berbunyi disetiap cursor yang terhinggapi text, dan itulah panduan beliau menggunakan komputer. Untuk kelas Komputer beliau membuka 3 kelas dan Alqurannya memiliki 2 kelas. Selain belajar membaca Alqur'an beliau juga mengajarkan cara khotbah, khotbah muhadoroh dan belajar khotbah lainnya. 

Braile untuk pemula diajarkan iqro dan tahswin. Dan beliau memanggil tutor dari kalangan Tuna Netra dan ada yang dari kalangan Netral. Satu Tutor biasanya beliau bayar 100 rb satu kali pertemuan. Pendidikan biasanya dilakukan dalam waktu 4 bulan untuk satu kelas. Setelah lulus beliau berikan sertifikat hanya legalisir dari beliau belum dari diknas. 

Begitupun dengan Kelas memijatnya, beliaupun membuka beberapa teori dalam teknik memijat. Bahwasanya yang beliau ajarkan tidak asal-asalan memijat, dia memberikan teori mulai dari Shiatsu, Refleksi dan ilmu yang lainnya. 

Lalu saya bertanya dari mana ia dapatkan ilmu itu semua, dan ia pun menjawab pernah mengikuti kursus diluar kota yang pernah diadakan oleh Pemerintah, setelah dari sana maka ia berniat mendirikan sebuah Yayasan yang betujuan untuk membimbing para Tuna Netra "Se Indonesia". 

Beliau mengatakan Kebutaan saya ini bukan satu alasan saya untuk malas, untuk mengemis dan untuk meminta-minta, justru saya berfikir bagaimana saya dapat terus survive dan tumbuh bersama dengan orang-orang yang normal. 

Itu sebuah perkataan yang luar biasa. 

Kesulitan yang beliau hadapi adalah masalah dana, dimana ia hanya mendapat dana dari Pemerintah Kota sebesar 5 Juta dalam satu tahun. Yang notabene nya peminat kursus ditempatnya sudah semakin membludak alias banyak. 

Beliau masih mengharapkan dari para dermawan yang ingin menyumbangkan amalnya untuk Yayasan yang dibinanya. "Jika ada kawan-kawan atau sanak famili yang ingin membantu bisa hubungi saya yah mas Arie", itu kalimat yang diucapkannya. 

Bila saya compare dengan orang yang lalu lalang yang saya perhatikan selama 1 bulan ini, memang sepertinya dana 5 Juta itu tidak akan mencukupi kebutuhan Yayasan itu sendiri. Saya melihat memang berapa banyak kaum Tuna Netra yang lalu lalang datang ketempat dimana Yayasannya berdiri. 

Ini sungguh satu hal yang luar biasa, dan diluar dugaan saya diberikan kesempatan untuk menginterview beliau secara khusus. Satu kesempatan yang luar biasa, dan interview pertama yang menakjubkan untuk saya. 

Memang Jodoh itu tidak ada yang pernah tahu, saya belajar banyak dari apa yang beliau lakukan dengan yang saya lakukan. Dengan keterbatasan yang beliau miliki, beliau memiliki satu visi yang sangat besar, dimana saya sendiri tidak memiliki visi sebesar itu, belum berani bahkan. 

Tapi beliau memang sangat luar biasa, dan saya sering memikirkan bahwa dia pasti orang yang spesial dihadirkan untuk bumi kita tersayang ini. Saya beruntung dapat bertemu dengan orang sangat spesial kali ini. 

Beliau tidak mengeluh dengan keadaan beliau, "SAMA SEKALI", bahkan beliau memang terlihat "fun" dalam melakukan semua kegiatannya. Sungguh luar biasa. 

Interview ditutup dengan hidangan teh manis yang disediakan oleh Istri tercintanya. Lalu dia menanyakan akan dipublish dimana tulisannya, "Blog yah ?" 

Dia mengerti blog juga cui .... 

"Iya pak", lanjut saya. 
"Saya membuat blog yang bertemakan Social Creative yang berisikan tentang semua hal yang sosial dan kreatifitas manusia", lanjut saya. 

"Sukses buat blognya yah mas", Lanjutnya. 

WOw ... blog saya didoakan man .... Amien, amien. 

Lalu saya mencicipi teh manisnya, dan tidak lama dari itu saya ijin pulang, karena grogi dan agak nervous, interview pertama cui .... 

Saya pamit dan salam, sambil sama-sama mendoakan semoga dengan dipublishnya tulisan saya kali ini bisa memberikan manfaat untuk Beliau dan pembaca blog saya. 

Lalu saya membawa tulisan didalam memopad didalam bb saya, ijin pulang. 

Sesampainya dirumah saya menuliskan kembali kedalam sebuah buku saya, dan say inkubasi selama 2 minggu, setelah itu barulah sekarang saya publish diblog saya. 

Sumber : 
Bapak Panggeng : 081380789783
(bagi yang berminat untuk menyumbang atau beramal, bisa menghubungi langsung ke Nomor Beliau). 

Salam Kreatif, 

@rie fabian- 

The Next Karate Kid (1994)

Genre: Action/Drama

Starring: Pat Morita, Hilary Swank, Chris Conrad, Michael Cavalieri, Michael Ironside

A second attempt to revive the legendary movie brand, a lose remake of the 1984 movie sees some big changes than what the earlier movies showed. Julie Pierce (Swank) is a frustrated and angry high school student who lost her parents as a child and currently lives with her grandmother. Julie is unable to get along with her grandmother and when Mr. Miyagi (Morita) sees her behaviour whilst visiting their house, offers to help improve Julie. Mr. Miyagi decides to teach her karate and teach her all she needs to know to become a better person and improve her life. A member of the school security fraternity, Ned (Cavalieri) takes an evil liking for Julie and is very annoyed when she sees her getting friendly with his co-member Eric McGowen (Conrad). Just like the previous movie, this one too is focused on teaching a young American child the way of karate to ultimately defeat the enemy at the very end and reclaim their honour. The movie hugely fails to live up to the expectations of the original movie with no drastic improvements to make it any better. It tries to be different but yet fundamentally retains the same character. It seems hugely overdone and something new in this brand is seriously needed.

Thumbs up: Hilary Swank seems to be the only decent performance
Thumbs down: Slow, boring and too repetitive from the earlier movie

Rating: 5.5/10

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Dirty Work (1998)

Genre: Comedy/Drama

Starring: Norm MacDonald, Artie Lange, Jack Warden, Traylor Howard, Christopher McDonald, Chevy Chase

'Do what you are always best at', is a famous saying once said by some very famous person. Two good friends, Mitch (MacDonald) and Sam (Lange) intend to literally adhere to this phrase. The duo are good at nothing and have changed an infinite number of jobs but somehow cannot find anything stable. The only thing they are good at is creating mischief. The two always pulled pranks at various people in their lives and a sudden brilliant idea makes them want to cash in on this ability of theirs and earn some money. Sam's father needs a heart transplant and his doctor, Dr. Farthings (Chase) wants $50,000 for the transplant and also to pay off some bookies who are looking for him and would kill him in 9 days. The two now have to come up with $50,000, which was already an uphill task, and must now additionally earn that in an impossible nine days' time. The best thing about the movie is the unique concept and story that makes it very appealing at first sight. The reason why one must not give in to this appeal is because of the poor performances and worthless humour. The movie seems to fit the definition of the word 'lame' and lacks the excitement that it otherwise should have had.

Thumbs up: Unique concept and story
Thumbs down: Bad humour and performances

Rating: 5.5/10

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Bad Company (2002)

Genre: Action/Crime/Adventure

Starring: Chris Rock, Anthony Hopkins, Peter Stormare, Kerry Washington

An attempt by the CIA to buy back a nuclear warhead in the black market goes bad and they end up losing a valuable operative, Agent Kevin Pope (Rock) to the hands of rival buyers. In order to complete the mission, Pope was needed as the Russian seller, Vas (Stormare) would not sell to anyone else. The CIA discover that Pope had an estranged twin brother where both did not know of the others existence. Enter Jake Hayes (Rock) a New Jersey resident who makes money doing random tasks just like any other person of his kind. The CIA recruit him and have 9 days to train him to look, talk and walk exactly like his twin in order to convince Vas that Pope never died. Agent Oakes (Hopkins) is in charge of the entire mission and must make sure that Hayes is well trained and does not mess the deal which could potentially cost thousands of American lives. Chris Rock's performance is not fabulous but does the job to make the movie interesting and entertaining. Watching him transform from typical street to typical CIA is fun and very much Chris Rock. The movie is like just any other spy movie whdre an American law enforcement agency is chasing after terrorists and bombs but Rock's appearance lighten things up greatly and makes this movie a wholesome entertainment. 

Thumbs up: Chris Rock and his humour
Thumbs down: Run of the mill storyline

Rating: 6.8/10

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Opening Salvos...

The Ultimate Classic Rock website published a list of the 10 Best Opening Songs from classic rock albums.  Having read the list, I said “I can do better.”  The ground rules for my list are simple and few – don’t limit the list to just ten, and pick only one song from any band.  So here’s my list in no order whatsoever.  I know I left out a few.  Feel free to disagree and discuss...

Statesboro Blues [Allman Brothers Band, At Fillmore East, 1971] – Perhaps the best live album from a rock band, this song opens with the immortal words “Ok, the Allman Brothers Band…”  This song is the band’s calling card.

Black Sabbath [Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath, 1970] – awhile back I wrote a blog about Tony Iommi and I said that if one put a gun to my head and asked what is the quintessential Tony Iommi track, I said Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.  I also said that could change on any given day.  Well today is that given day.  This is the first song from the first album from the guys who invented heavy metal.

Like a Rolling Stone [Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, 1965] – Dylan’s electric phase starts here, and it begins literally with an “opening salvo;” the crack of a drum.

Highway Star [Deep Purple, Machine Head, 1972] – This song is Deep Purple at its finest.  As fate would have it, it is also the opening track from their live album Made in Japan [1973].

White Room [Cream, Wheels of Fire, 1968] – Wheels of Fire was the very first album to be certified “Platinum.”  White Room shows Cream at their studio best, with Ginger Baker’s uncredited 5/4 intro, Clapton’s wah-wah drenched soloing, and Jack Bruce doing a superb job singing Pete Brown’s goofy-assed lyrics.

Break On Through [The Doors, The Doors, 1967] – I had to flip a coin between this one Roadhouse Blues from Morrison Hotel.  This was the world’s introduction to The Lizard King.

Bertha [Grateful Dead, Skull & Roses, 1971] – After the pastoral acoustic albums that were Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty, the Dead plug back in and record another live album.  Los Lobos did a better version, but this one still smokes!

Rocky Mountain Way [Joe Walsh, The Smoker You Drink, the Player You Get, 1973] -  Post-James Gang, pre-Eagles Joe Walsh at his finest.  This is Joe’s best song as a solo artist. 

Aqualung [Jethro Tull, Aqualung, 1971] – a classic rock staple from a “concept” album.  I have a warm place in my heart for this one.  My friend Alan and I were working sound for a Black Student Union party at USC.  After hearing too many rap and hip-hop songs, we went downstairs, cracked open a bottle of Black Velvet and turned on the stereo.  This was the song that came on and saved our sanity.

Enter Sandman [Metallica, The Black Album, 1991] – Metallica finally hit paydirt with this masterpiece when they ditched the long songs with the changing time signatures, shortened their songs and decided to do songs in 4/4 time. One from …And Justice For All finally got the public to notice the band.  Enter Sandman turned them into millionaires.

Ace of Spades [Motörhead, Ace of Spades, 1980] – Is this punk, is it metal, or is it a cross-pollination of both?  Who cares!  It’s Lemmy!

My My Hey Hey (Out of the Blue) [Neil Young, Rust Never Sleeps, 1978] – Neil Young’s acoustic ode to Elvis and Johnny Rotten, the electric version of which closes the album. 

Red Rain [Peter Gabriel, So, 1986] – Peter Gabriel finally hit the big time with So.  The big hit from that album was Sledgehammer, but I like this one much better.

Gimme Shelter [Rolling Stones, Let It Bleed, 1969] – this is the coolest song Keith Richards ever wrote, period.  Need I say more?

Wouldn't It Be Nice [The Beach Boys, Pet Sounds, 1966] – Pet Sounds is Brian Wilson’s masterpiece.  A lot of times Carl Wilson or Mike Love had the main mike, but this time it’s Brian’s turn.

A Hard Day's Night [The Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night. 1964] – There are so many other great Beatles opening tracks to choose from [Help!, Taxman, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Back in the USSR, Come Together], but I choose this one.  This song is what Beatlemania sounds like.

Welcome to the Jungle [Guns ‘N Roses. Appetite for Destruction, 1987] – Let’s face it – the 1980s had a lot of real shitty hair metal.  Welcome to the Jungle was a great, refreshing, and real.   This kicked the crap out of poseurs everywhere.

London Calling [The Clash, London Calling, 1979] – Is there really any explanation needed for why this song is on my list?

Baba O'Riley [The Who, Who’s Next, 1971] – There is nothing The Who did before 1971 that came close to sounding like this.  There is a running argument between Carol and I about “the best Who song ever.”   This is Carol’s choice [mine is Won’t Get Fooled Again].

Highway to Hell [AC/DC. Highway to Hell, 1979] – The Ultimate Classic Rock website chose Hells Bells from Back in Black [a worthy choice].  I choose this one.  Why?  Bon Scott, that’s why.

21st Century Schizoid Man [King Crimson, In the Court of the Crimson King, 1969] – For better or for worse, this song is the template for progressive rock.  Gov’t Mule did a smokin’ version on Mulennium.

Born on the Bayou [Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bayou Country, 1969] – This song and Proud Mary define CCR.  If someone wants to know what “swampy” means, play them this song. 

Purple Haze [Jimi Hendrix Experience, Are You Experienced? (US version), 1967] – When I bought this album on vinyl, this was the leadoff track.  The UK’s version had Foxey Lady.  It’s Jimi Freakin’ Hendrix!

Waitin' for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago [ZZ Top, Tres Hombres, 1973] – I know, it’s really two songs, but have you heard one without the other?  Didn’t think so…

Black Dog [Led Zeppelin, LZ IV (or ‘Zoso’ or ‘Untitled’), 1971] – No explanation required.

2112 [Rush, 2112, 1976] - Heavy metal meets science-fiction concept.  It's all one song with several movements.  In my feeble mind, that counts.

Batman (1989)

Genre: Science-fiction/Action/Crime

Starring: Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Michael Gough

The rich billionaire who is an antique dealer by day goes by the name of Batman at night. He prowls the city and gets rid of all the scum and filth and wipes the streets of Gotham City clean. Few people know the truth about Bruce Wayne (Keaton). Not just about Batman but also about his personal life and past. He leads a very quiet and secretive life and before long the beautiful and charming photographer, Vicki Vale (Basinger) enters his life and manages to change everything. Jack Napier (Nicholson) is a criminal mastermind of Gotham City who has an unfortunate chemical reaction which leaves him with an altered appearance and the knack of laughing all the time, hence he is now known as the Joker. The Joker blames Batman for his appearance and seeks revenge and his revenge will  be the lives of one and all of Gotham City. His threat is about to turn into reality only if Batman can stop him and bring him to justice. The movie is a very typical superhero movie with the good winning over the bad and the usual damsel in distress who needs to be rescued from the hands of the good for nothing villain. Apart from Nicholson's exceptional performance, the movie is the average entertainer. It marks the start of a long line of Batman movies which live up to this very day.

Thumbs up: Jack Nicholson
Thumbs down: Average story, nothing exceptional

Rating: 6.3/10

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Passchendaele (2008)

Genre: War/Drama/Romance/History/Action

Starring: Paul Gross, Caroline Dhavernas, Joe Dinicol

We all have heard and watched movies of American, French, British, German and Japanese involvement in the World Wars. This movie shows Canada's involvement in World War I, a war in which she was not directly involved but sent her sons since it came under the British Empire. The movie sets a love story of two separate individuals against the backdrop of the war and all the suffering and emotions that come with it. Sgt. Michael Dunne (Gross) has been asked to returned home since he was diagnosed with neurasthenia and deemed unfit to serve on the battlefield. It was here that he met nurse Sarah Mann (Dhavernas) and instantly felt attracted to her. He was assigned to recruit young men to join the army and one such recruit was Sarah's brother, David (Dinicol). David suffers from asthma and hence cannot serve on the front due to which he cannot get his girlfriends' fathers acceptance who openly ridicules him. The movie shows two men, of different ages, both having their own worries with love and war and both suffering from disorders that disallows them to fight for their country. The movie mixes war and love nicely and brings out the true heartbreak that one must face when war divides love and family. However, the time spent on the romance is slow and stretched which loses audience attention. The movie quickly recovers to offer a decent climax but not the best. The war scenes of gore and bloodshed that may not be watchable for all. A well made movie only needed a more hurtful and emotional climax.

Thumbs up: Good concept
Thumbs down: Slow and dragged at times, climax could be better.

Rating: 6.1/10

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Vantage Point (2008)

Genre: Crime/Action

Starring: Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker, William Hurt, Eduardo Noriega, Ayelet Zurer, Said Taghmaoui, Edgar Ramirez, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Alicia Zapien

A world political summit to end terrorism is being held at Salamanca, Spain where leaders of various countries would come together to sign an agreement to end terrorism once and for all. The movie revolves around a unique plot structure where the events of a single day are shown in multiple flashbacks from different points of view of various people at the summit. The movie shows the occurrences through six vantage points, which is, a news reporter Angie (Saldana) and her producer Rex (Brooks), US Secret Service Agent Thomas Barnes (Quaid), undercover Spanish police officer Enrique (Noriega), American tourist Howard Lewis (Whitaker), US President Ashton (Hurt) and terrorist Sam aka Suarez (Taghmaoui). Although the plot layout is interesting, the start of each of the six points are similar which gets a bit annoying to see and hear the same clips and audio over and over again. The movie becomes interesting and picks up pace towards the end to quickly wrap the plot and get over with it. The story, in isolation, is very basic and short but the focus predominantly lies in the same event happening through the eyes of various individuals. Interesting movie and can be recommended for a one time watch for action and crime enthusiasts.

Thumbs up: Unique plot structure
Thumbs down: Gets a bit annoying to watch the same footage too many times, basic story

Rating: 6.5/10

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

The Karate Kid, Part III (1989)

Genre: Action/Drama/Sports

Starring: Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio, Robyn Lively, Thomas Ian Griffith, Martin Kove, Sean Kanan

Continuing from where the second part left behind, Mr. Miyagi (Morita) and Daniel (Macchio) return home to LA only to find that their house is being demolished and they need to move somewhere else. With Daniel's mother busy looking after his ailing uncle, Mr. Miyagi takes Daniel to his house but since the demolition of Daniel's house, he has lost his janitors job and has no source of income. Daniel persuades him to open a bonsai shop and rents a location out of his college fees. John Kreese (Kove) the trainer at the Cobra Kai, the dojo that lost against Daniel is out of business too since no one wants to train with him anymore. He visits his mentor and good friend, a billionaire and crook who helps him to revive his ailing career and promises to get even with Daniel and Miyagi. The Karate championship is coming up once again and Daniel wants to defend his title, to the disagreement of Mr. Miyagi. He doesn't believe that Karate should be used to win trophies and sticks to his view that it should only be used to defend himself in the hour of need. Disappointed, Daniel decides to get trained alone and maybe even from someone else. The movie continues to be a bore like the previous movie and does not spark the excitement that the first movie had. Ralph Macchio's performance is annoying, he looks fat and ugly and cannot act for anything in the world. The movie shows you glimpses of Karate once more and tries to replicate the first movie but fails miserably. The story is far too predictable and the only persons who might want to waste time on it is those who simply want to complete the series, like me.

Thumbs up: Zero
Thumbs down: Annoying Ralph Macchio's performance, boring and predictable

Rating: 5.5/10

Will Bodemeister Buck History?

The courageous Bodemeister may attempt to take the Preakness field on a merry chase from gate to wire. If he manages this, he’ll be only the second horse in eleven years to accomplish this feat.

The Preakness Stakes is not kind to front runners. The only horse to wire the field in the last eleven years was the phenomenal Rachel Alexandra. Even the front running War Emblem and Shackleford switched tactics in the Preakness and rated in second place before grabbing the lead in the stretch and racing on to victory. Other than Rachel Alexandra, the only other pace setter who managed to finish well was First Dude in 2010. The large colt lead held a comfortable one length lead at the ¾ pole after setting solid, but not overly fast fractions. Lookin At Lucky grabbed the lead in the stretch and posted a ¾ length victory over First Dude.

Many handicappers think that Bodemeister is the lone speed and can’t or won’t rate. Most feel that the Preakness is shaping up as a match race between Bodemeister and the Kentucky Derby hero I’ll Have Another. But this year, rarely have the expected match races shaped up as planned. Remember way back in March when Union Rags was supposed to go head and head with El Padrino?

We won’t know until the gates open whether his pilot Mike Smith will attempt to settle the Bodemeister off of a front runner. There is speed to his inside in the form of Teeth of the Dog and Pretension. Neither colt owns Bodemeister type speed, but could run fast enough to keep things interesting. I’ll Have Another may also sit closer to the pace. Mario Gutierrez wisely kept the son of Flower Alley farther back than usual in the Derby to avoid being caught in the wake of Bodemeister’s rapid fractions.

Another colt who should be closer than he was in the Derby is Creative Cause. The pretty gray colt generally prefers to sit within four lengths of the lead, but was taken out of his typical running style in the Derby. Creative Cause was twelve lengths off of the lead in the opening stages of the Derby and was stuck eight wide at the ¼ pole. He still managed to gain a few lengths through the stretch and finished three lengths behind I’ll Have Another.

The fourth place runner-up in the Kentucky Derby also comes back for another shot at glory. Went The Day Well flew through the Churchill stretch coming up only 2 ½ lengths short of the winner and ¾ length and a neck from second place. The lightly raced colt’s speed figures have improved in every start and if he gets at least a moderate pace to run at, you can be sure he’ll be storming down the lane again.

The Kentucky Derby “wise guy” horse Daddy Nose Best, had traffic troubles during the running of the race and checked in tenth. A better effort is expected from him.

The other pretty gray horse in the field is Cozzetti. The son of Cozzene owns only a maiden win in the slop to his credit, but made up some ground in the Tampa Bay Derby to finish third. So far, Cozzetti either isn’t as good as his connections think, or the colt simply hasn’t decided who he wants to be when he grows up. His breeding screams turf, but like his dirt starts, Cozzetti’s turf races have been rather average. Typical of many turf runners, he has a proven affinity for mud. Unfortunately for Cozzetti, rain isn’t in the Preakness forecast.

Optimizer is also looking to improve his dirt form in the Preakness. Like Cozzetti, the son of English Channel has a strong turf pedigree. He has proven turf form, but his connections insist on attempting to make him something he isn’t – a graded stakes winner over dirt. Optimizer used his late turn of foot to pass rivals in the stretch of the Arkansas Derby, but most of them were struggling after chasing the fractions set by Secret Circle. Perhaps once Optimizer’s connections get the Triple Crown fever out of their system, they’ll let the well-bred Optimizer fulfill his turf potential.

Teeth of the Dog and Zetterholm are both lightly raced colts with good records and improving speed figures. They are taking a huge jump in class and may be out of their league. Pretension is the local hope and owns a win over the Pimlico surface. He’ll try to follow in the hoofprints of Magic Wisner and Scrappy T, two locals who made good in the Preakness. Tiger Walk has proven that graded stakes competition is above his class level.


How much did the Kentucky Derby take out of the gallant BODIEMEISTER? We won’t find that out until the stretch of the Preakness. The son of Empire Maker is showing hints of greatness, so maybe we’ll be treated to another display of torrid speed mixed with stamina. I’LL HAVE ANOTHER is undefeated as a three year old, but doesn’t seem to garner the same respect. WENT THE DAY WELL is the Preakness wise guy. He’s improving and lightly raced. His late pace speed figure for the Derby was better than the top two finishers. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the winner’s circle. CREATIVE CAUSE is a gutsy horse who tries hard every time. He’s had a tough campaign this year, but he’s another who could finish in the money. DADDY NOSE BEST will take another shot at Grade 1 company. He could jump up for a minor award. The local horse PRETENSION could get brave if he winds up stalking Bodemeister. Everyone wants a Triple Crown winner, so we’ll hope one of the lesser entrants presses Bodiemeister and we have another.




#8 DADDY NOSE BEST – longshot pick


Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Horrible Bosses (2011)

Genre: Comedy/Drama/Crime

Starring: Jason Bateman, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Day, Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Collin Farrell, Jamie Foxx

Remember that dinner with friends where someone throws a completely stupid idea and everyone plays along and agrees to doing it knowing full well that its just a stupid joke? And remember the next morning when you wake up and you actually think you might want to after all execute that thought that randomly came up over yesterdays dinner? Three friends, Nick (Bateman), Kurt (Sudeikis) and Dayle (Day) contemplated over the thought of killing their bosses and after a few days that thought started moulding into a real thought. Nick's boss, Dave Harken (Spacey) is a maniac who squeezes every drop out of his employees and treats them like slaves. Bobby Pellitt (Farrell) is Kurt's coke addicted boss who has no interest in the company or anyone's welfare and simply wants to have one big party all the time. Dale's boss is the super-hot and sexy Dr. Julia (Aniston) who is a sex maniac and is trying to get Dale to sleep with her. That may not seem all that bad for most people but Dayle is due to get married and he fears being disloyal to his fiance. The trio decide to kill the three bosses and make their life better and approach the first black shady man they meet, Mr. Motherfu***r Jones (Foxx). The movie is cleverly set against the backdrop of the global recession with dwindling job opportunities and showing people doing almost anything to earn some money. Its got a different edge to it and is definitely a good fun watch. A lot of working folk might associate themselves with the feeling of killing their bosses and this movie captures that exact moment. Its not laugh out loud funny but its definitely worth the entertainment.

Thumbs up: Great fun, good plot
Thumbs down: Would have been a repeat watch if it was crazy funny

Rating: 7.1/10

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Dial M for Murder (1954)

Genre: Crime/Drama/Mystery

Starring: Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings, John Williams, Anthony Dawson

Alfred Hitchcock, murder and crime in the same sentence go very well together. His movies have spearheaded the crime and murder investigation genre and had put a heavy focus on detectives. Tony Wendice (Milland) is a reasonably well to do, married and middle aged man who used to love to play tennis. He married Margot (Kelly) who didn't want him to pursue the sport for whom he was forced to give it up. Margot had an affair with an American crime novelist Mark Halliday (Cummings) about whom Tony later learnt about. His regret for leaving tennis for his wife and now she leaving him for another man pushed him to the edge where he started plotting her murder. His carefully crafted plan involved C. J. Swan aka Captain Lesgate (Dawson) who was to execute the plan and murder his wife. Yet the most well-crafted plan always has a flaw, the most obvious flaw that is undetectable but yet too obvious. The movie crafts a perfect mystery and the character of Tony Wendice, the smart and thoughtful man who thinks far and thinks well and does justice to the plot. The only chink in the erstwhile formidable armour is in the plot itself. The entire crime scene is revealed early on in the movie with the murder itself taking place. Now that you know exactly what happened, its only a matter of solving it. This leaves little room for a climax and stunning end and the audience is more or less prepared for the outcome. A great murder mystery nonetheless which is simple and sweet, to the point and does not have any complicated parallel stories to lose focus of the main plot.

Thumbs up: Great performances and good crime scene
Thumbs down: Not a very strong climax

Rating: 7.6/10

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)

Genre: Fantasy/Science-fiction/Action/Adventure/Drama/Romance

Starring: Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, Doug Jones, John Alexander, James Dodd, Seth MacFarlane, Luke Goss, Anna Walton, Jeffrey Tambor

In continuation to the previous Hellboy but at the same time adapting a different storyline, the second movie narrates the story of the Golden Army. King Balor is the ruler of the elves who clashed with the humans and fought long and bloody battles with no result. One of the elves builds him a Golden Army, an army of machines that are indestructible and can win any war. With this power he squashed the humans, but the bloodshed gave him a change of heart and he broke the crown that controls the army into three pieces. He made piece with the humans and gave them a piece of the crown and kept two to himself. Only if the three pieces would come together would the Golden Army once again rise. Balor's son, Prince Nuada (Goss) was against his fathers doings and has decided to return from exile and awaken the Golden Army and take the Earth as his. Hellboy (Perlman) is still fighting crime and other paranormal beings with his colleagues Abe Sapien (Jones) a psychic human-fish, Liz Sherman (Blair) his lover who can control fire and Johann Krauss (Alexander & Dodd, MacFarlene (voice)) an ectoplasmic creature and the team leader. They must come together and fight Nuada and not allow him to awaken the army as it will squash the Earth and bring doom to all. The movie is an improvement from the previous version on many fronts by making it more lively and entertaining. The romance between Liz and Hellboy and Abe and Princess Nuala (Walton) might seem to alter the stories speed and continuity but it adds character and makes it feel more wholesome. A sure watch for some good action, a huge helping of beasts and demons and the fair bit of drama.

Thumbs up: Good overall package
Thumbs down: Romance kills the flow

Rating: 6.8/10

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Mulholland Dr. (2001)

Genre: Crime/Drama/Thriller/Mystery

Starring: Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring, Justin Theroux

Pronounced and read as: Mulholland Drive. Profound and deep movies with layered meanings and multiple interpretations are always a difficult watch for the average audience and appeals only to critics, movie fanatics and visitors of film festivals. Betty Elms (Watts) is a struggling actor who has arrived in Los Angeles to become a movie star. Her aunt is a veteran actor who is currently on vacation and has hence decided to lease her massive house to Betty to stay in. Meanwhile, a failed murder attempt inside a limousine sees the victim (Harring) escaping from the crime scene and sneaking into Betty's' aunts house without any one's knowledge. The victim cannot seem to remember her name and assumes the name of Rita. Betty at first thinks she is her aunts friend but later learns of the true story. Betty's childish detective instincts come to life and she tries to unravel Rita's mystery and find out who she exactly is. Meanwhile, a movie director, Adam Kesher (Theroux) is threatened by the mafia to cast a girl of their choice for the lead role in his upcoming movie rather than the actress that he selected. The two major plots are flanked by multiple irrelevant smaller stories that do not make any sense or add up during the initial stages but some culminate right towards the end. The movie is ridiculously long, slow and heavy. Right till the very end the average viewer would have no idea what the past two and a half hours were all about. One would probably need to Google interpretations and meanings of this movie just to simply come to terms with what they just saw. The performances are fabulous, no doubt, but the movie is strictly for minorities and not for the masses. That aside, the thought process that might have gone into this movie to create is an achievement in itself and much praise goes out to director David Lynch. Watch only with a lot of time and an aspirin in case your not prepared for it.

Thumbs up: Brilliant plot conception, good performances
Thumbs down: Too deep, profound, sow and heavy

Rating: 7.3/10

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Ken Park (2002)

Genre: Crime/Drama/Romance

Starring: James Bullard, Stephen Jasso, Maeve Quinlin, Tiffany Limos, James Ransone, Julio Oscar Mechoso, Wade Williams, Adam Chubbuck

The individual stories of 5 American youngsters and their encounters with sexuality and family life. Ken Park (Chubbuck) whose friends tease him by reversing his name to 'Krap Nek' (Crap Neck) shots himself in the middle of a skateboarding park. Shawn (Bullard) a boy who knew him, narrates his life story along with that of his friends. Shawn shares a sexual relationship with his girlfriends mother, Rhonda (Quinlin) without the knowledge of anyone else. Peaches (Limos) lives with her overtly-religious father and who has lost her mother at a very young age. Her father resents her relationship with a boy and beats him for sharing a sexual relationship with her. Claude (Rasso) needs to tolerate his drunk and violent father who believes his son is not man enough and resents his skateboarding and everything else that he does. Tate (Ransone) is an unpredictable, unstable and sadistic psychopath who lives with his grand parents. He hates his grand father because he believes he cheats in Scrabble and his grand mother whom he believes invades on his privacy. The movie's title is disconnected from the main plot and although Ken Park's suicide intentions are revealed it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the main characters apart from their common friendship. The movie is slow and is filled with a lot of extreme sexuality and nudity which comes across as being very unpleasant. It has a very deep and artistic approach to itself and is not recommended for all.

Thumbs up: Natural performances and acting
Thumbs down: Too high on sexuality, slow

Rating: 6.3/10

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Cream: Royal Albert Hall: London May 2-3-5-6 2005

When this band formed in the mid-1960s, Eric Clapton envisioned Cream as a blues trio. As history has shown, things didn't quite turn out that way. Forty years later, Slowhand finally got his wish. There are blues numbers here in abundance from the likes of Willie Dixon, Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, T-Bone Walker, Albert King, and Skip James. Recorded 37 years after their final proper concert at this same venue in 1968, time may have ravaged their looks, but definitely not their playing. Cream acts like a band this time around rather than as a group of egotistical soloists going for the jugular night after night as they did "back in the day." The jams for which Cream are renowned are kept to a tolerable length. Most songs on this collection clock in around 5-6 minutes. Those that do go long (Stormy Monday, Spoonful, We're Going Wrong, Sunshine, Toad) do not suffer as a result.

As it was back in their heyday, each member is afforded his own showcase. For Jack Bruce, it's "Rollin' And Tumblin'." On this number Jack, accompanied by his harmonica (no bass), Eric playing the slide, and Ginger Baker on the drums, stuns and amazes the crowd with an energy that belies the fact that the man nearly died in 2003. Eric Clapton's showcase is the T-Bone Walker classic "Stormy Monday." This is a new song for Cream as it was never on an official Cream release until this collection came out. Slowhand demonstrates that when he wants to, he is a master of the blues guitar. The man was simply on fire the night they recorded this song. Ginger Baker's showcase was, of course, the drum solo "Toad." By and large, drum solos are usually excuses to head to the bathroom or the concession stand. Not so here. "Toad" is simply compelling. It's isn't boring - it's Ginger Baker demonstrating that yes, the drum IS a musical instrument. By the time the solo ends you don't realize it had gone on for over seven minutes. It's that good!

The big surprise of this whole collection is Ginger's song "Pressed Rat and Warthog" from "Wheels of Fire." On the DVD that visually documented this reunion, Ginger told the interviewer that he was "threatened with execution" by his family if he didn't play this song. At a little over three minutes, this is the only hint of psychedelia that Cream shows throughout the set. Slowhand plays it straight - not a wah-wah pedal to be heard, and frankly it isn't missed (much). Jack Bruce is in fine voice throughout. Of interest is the band's different take on White Room. Instead of Jack Bruce singing the entire song as he has done since he wrote it, Jack sings the first two verses, Eric takes the refrain of those two verses, then the two swap roles for the third verse and refrain. Eric's song "Badge" had never been played live by Cream as it was recorded at the end of their 1960s run, and here Jack Bruce proves once and for all to hear that if you took his bass lines away from the song, there would be no song.

There are lots of plusses on this collection. The jamming is kept to a tolerable length, hence more songs to enjoy. The volume is lower than in their heyday, so the musicians can hear each other, and the interplay between the musicians makes for some outstanding music. One need look no further for proof of this than Cream's take on "We're Going Wrong". Thirty-seven years ago this band was full volume pedal to the metal jamming. Today this band plays like adults - it swings! Credit that to Ginger Baker, who plays more like a jazzer these days (when he does play). There is one minus - no "Tales of Brave Ulysses" (they fixed this oversight when they played MSG in October 2005). Other than that, this collection is a worthy addition to Cream's legacy.

Hugo (2011)

Genre: Drama/Biography/Mystery/Adventure

Starring: Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen, Asa Butterfield, Chloe Grace Moretz, Emily Mortimer

A legendary film maker appraises another legend from a different era. Hugo Cabret (Butterfield) is an orphan whose father was a clock maker and a highly intelligent man. His father found a decaying automaton, a unique robot that has the unheard ability to write. After his fathers death, Hugo started running the clocks at the Paris train station without anyone knowing it and simultaneously worked towards fixing his the machine. He regularly stole parts from a toy store on the station which was run by George Melies (Kingsley). Hugo gets caught in the act and George discovers a notebook in his pocket which has Hugo's fathers machine drawings along with the automatons blue print. George confiscates the book without giving any reason, much to the disappointment of Hugo. Hugo befriends George's grand daughter, Isabelle (Moretz) who come together to solve the mystery behind the automaton, George and Hugo's father. The movie is a brilliant work of art that can keep you stumped, awed and entertained for a very long time. It takes you back in time to the very first movie's of human-kind to show the magic and bizarreness that it carried with it during that time.The climax and the mystery steadily builds up to take shape which eventually unleashes to the audience's satisfaction. The only downside of the movie is its speed. Its slow to start and gets a tad disappointing around the half-way mark but the eventual mystery is still gripping enough to keep you enticed right till the very end. An outstanding work of art that is true to the reputation of Martin Scorsese and a must-watch for all.

Thumbs up: Brilliant story, very enticing
Thumbs down: Slow at times

Rating: 8.9/10

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Action/Drama

Starring: Georgie Henley, Skander Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Liam Neeson (voice)

Based on the famous childrens' book by C.S. Lewis, the book series become popular with the advent of Harry Potter and the revolution of magical stories for children. A string of books written on similar foundations sprung up, with Narnia being one of them. Four siblings, Lucy (Henley), Edmund (Keynes), Susan (Popplewell) and Peter (Moseley) are transported to the land of Narnia when Lucy discovers a hidden wardrobe in the spare room which leads to the gates of the magical land. The lands are ruled by the evil White Witch (Swinton) who has harboured demons and beasts and wishes to quash freedom in the land and bring only gloom and misery upon all. There lives a prophecy that four humans would come to the land and liberate them from the grips of the evil Witch and free Narnia once and for all. The army of the free people is led by the lion, Aslan (Neeson) who has mustered an army and wants Peter, prophesied to be the next king, to lead the army to victory. The plot is very fundamental and predictable and can only appeal to the mentality of an 8-year-old. The story is patchy with many unexplained bits and lacks the finesse that Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings managed to have. The four central characters are defined as distinct personalities with similar reactions to each situation. Peter; the wise and daring leader, Susan; logical, mindful and practical, Lucy; loving and caring and Edmund; stubborn and childish. The characters tend to behave exactly as they are drafted which makes there every move rather predictable and after a while, annoying. Hugely avoidable unless your aged less than 10.

Thumbs up: *Yawn*
Thumbs down: Weak special effects, patchy story, poor acting

Rating: 5.4/10


By now, everyone has analyzed, over analyzed and stared at the Kentucky Derby past performances until they are dazed and confused. Lists of contenders have been created, edited and tossed since January. Research has been performed on pedigrees, speed figures, running styles, trainers and jockeys. Every step of the morning works and gallops have been scrutinized. Tried and true “Derby Rules” of always/never/usually have been dug up and applied. Previous Kentucky Derby fields have been compared to a race yet to run.

Below Scores are based upon pedigree for the distance, current class and form, running style, and surface preference. Horses ranked with an “A” are those with a serious shot of winning, “B” or “C” chance to finish in the top three, and “D” poor chance to hit the board. With that in mind, let’s take a look at this year’s Derby hopefuls.

#1 DADDY LONG LEGS - Daddy Long Legs is this year's European entrant in the Kentucky Derby. Last year Aidan O'Brian trained Master of Hounds to a second place finish in the UAE Derby and the well-bred colt placed fifth in the Kentucky Derby. Daddy Long Legs has a miler pedigree with lots of speed through his distaff line. Although he did win at 1 3/16 miles, Daddy Long Legs benefited from a crawling pace in the UAE Derby, with fractions of :26.13, :50.54 and six furlongs in 1:15.19. He won't get that funeral pace in Kentucky. His pedigree screams miler and that, along with all of the traveling he's done this year indicates that he's up against it in Kentucky. Overall score: D

#2 OPTIMIZER - has finished in the money in one of six races over the dirt, but won and placed in both starts over the turf. He's unplaced in both starts at Churchill Downs. Optimizer's Second Crop Sire English Channel is a Turf Champion who excelled at route races. His offspring haven’t taken to the dirt. Out of 63 foals to start, only two have won and two have placed on the dirt. Optimizer’s distaff line is classy and stamina oriented, so the farther he goes the better, but his best race surface thus far has proven to be turf. His best chance may be if the track comes up muddy. Optimizer has a one run closing style, but his late pace speed figures are dull. Overall score: D

#3 TAKE CHARGE INDY – the Florida Derby hero is a son of Classic Chef-de-race A. P. Indy out of the Kentucky Oaks heroine Take Charge Lady. Take Charge Indy likes to be forwardly placed in his races, but he is versatile enough to sit where his jockey places him. He has the pedigree and class to do well at classic distances and superior mud attributes. He appears to be maturing at the right time. Additionally, he attracts Churchill's perennial leading rider Calvin Borel, who has partnered with three horses to win the Kentucky Derby in the last five years. Overall score: A

#4 UNION RAGS - has lost only twice. As a two year old, he came up a head short in the Breeders' Cup Juvenile after a wide trip. In the Florida Derby, the massive colt was trapped on the inside, checked a few times and was let with too much to do in the stretch after finding running room late. He was the only horse closing ground in the stretch of the Florida Derby. Union Rags’ pedigree is borderline at best for 1 ¼ miles. Out of over 400 foals, his sire Dixie Union has yet to get a stakes winner beyond nine furlongs. Union Rags’ immediate family is filled with sprinter/milers. While Union Rags' pedigree is borderline for 1 1/4 miles there are other factors to consider. He's shown proficiency over dirt and mud, plus he owns the mental maturity to overcome trouble in his races. He prefers to sit off of the pace in his races. Union Rags has been at the top of his class both as a two and three year old and he appears to have all the tools needed to do well in the Kentucky Derby. Overall Score: B

#5 DULLAHAN - swept past Two Year Old Champ Hansen with a strong off the pace move to win the Blue Grass Stakes at Keeneland. He's a large colt with proven affinity for Polytrack and turf. His sire Even The Score has produced one stakes winner at 1 1/14 miles and that victory came over the turf. Although he gets winners over dirt, the lion’s share of Even The Score’s offspring win over turf and synthetics. Dullahan’s half-brother Mine That Bird was the 2009 Kentucky Derby shocker. Should Dullahan win the Kentucky Derby, his dam will be the first in history to have sired two Kentucky Derby winners. There's no doubt that Dullahan is getting good at the right time and the way he won the Blue Grass Stakes bodes well for his ability to handle 1 1/4 miles. The big question mark is how he will fare over the Churchill dirt. In three starts over the surface, his closest finish was six lengths behind Hansen in the Breeders' Cup Juvenile. Since the Bluegrass Stakes was switched to Polytrack in 2006, none of the winners have hit the board in the Kentucky Derby. Like his older brother Mine that Bird, Dullahan's best shot of winning the Kentucky Derby may be if the track comes up muddy. Overall score: B

#6 BODEMEISTER - leapt to the top of many Kentucky Derby lists with his runaway performance in the Arkansas Derby. The colt's 9 1/2 length winning margin was the largest posted in any Derby prep race this year. The lightly raced colt is by the Belmont Stakes winner Empire Maker and his female family is filled with quality. His first five dams have all won or placed in stakes races and his fourth dam, Bity Girl, was a champion juvenile in England. The major knock against Bodemeister is that he didn’t race as a juvenile and his lack of race experience. Out of the last eleven colts that were unraced at age two and competed in the Kentucky Derby, only Curlin finished in the money. He placed third in the Kentucky Derby, but won the Preakness and went on to become a world-class Champion. Bodemeister likes to run on the pace. He'll have plenty of company up front in the Derby. Bodemeister is bucking history here and despite his talent, he's facing a monumental task in Kentucky. Winning is a tall task, but finishing in the money is not. Overall score: B

#7 ROUSING SERMON - best finish this year was when he clunked up for third in the Louisiana Derby, beaten two lengths. Granted, he did race wide, but the Louisiana Derby is regarded as one of the weakest preps this year. Rousing Sermon’s pedigree is miler oriented. None of his sire Lucky Pulpit’s offspring have been successful past 1 1/6 miles, but two have placed at 1 1/8 miles. Rousing Sermon’s female family are mainly sprinters and have produced sprinter/milers, although his damsire Awesome Again is stamina oriented. Rousing Sermon owns the best mud pedigree in the field. He is a one-run closer and has posted triple digit late pace figures in five of nine starts. He could pass tired rivals at the end of the Derby. At this point, he appears a cut below the best runners in the Derby. If the track comes up sloppy, he may have an outsiders’ chance of grabbing a minor spot. Overall score: C

#8 CREATIVE CAUSE - As a juvenile, Creative Cause stamped himself as one of the top colts in California with victories in the Best Paland Norfolk Stakes and a third place finish in the Breeders' Cup Juvenile. At three, Creative Cause beat Bodemeister in the San Felipe Stakes but lost a heartbreaking photo finish to I'll Have Another. Her is by the top international sire Giant’s Causeway. California Champion Older Mare Dream of Summer, the dam of Creative Cause, was a multiple graded stakes winning mare up to 1 1/6 miles. She was second in two editions of the Santa Margarita Invitational at 1 1/8 miles. Creative Cause should handle 1 ¼ miles. He likes to run close to the pace and he's battle tested from facing the top colts in California all winter. Overall score: A

#9 TRINNIBERG - is a hardy colt who has been outrunning his pedigree. As a three year old Trinniberg led gate to wire in both graded stakes attempts, which were sprints. He hasn’t raced beyond seven furlongs. Trinniberg has a sprinter/miler pedigree. His sire Teuflesberg was a hardy sprinter. None of his offspring have won beyond seven furlongs. The female family of Trinniberg is very light on blacktype and filled with sprinters. He is the only horse with a graded stakes win in five generations. Trinniberg is all about speed. Gun to the front and run as fast as you can. He's never raced a mile and will be asked to run an additional three furlongs farther than he's ever attempted. His tactic of gunning to the lead and going as far as he can will likely compromise the chances of colts that like to sit on or just off of the pace, especially whomever is stuck behind him. Even if his jockey should change tactics, the colt’s chances to last much beyond a mile are slim. Overall Score: D

#10 DADDY NOSE BEST - has proven himself over three different surfaces. He has a solid foundation of eight starts as a juvenile and enters the Kentucky Derby as one of the more experienced runners. He is one of the few Derby contestants with two stakes victories at 1 1/8 miles and should be one of the fittest horses in the race. His hot young sire Scat Daddy is producing tenacious classy babies. We don't know how far his offspring will run, but Scat Daddy's progeny have been victorious up to 1 1/8 miles over dirt, 1 3/16 miles over synthetic and 1 1/4 miles over turf. There is little blacktype in the immediate distaff family of Daddy Nose Best, but his immediate family includes a couple of turf stakes winners. Daddy Nose Best likes to make one run from the back of the pack. He was unplaced in two starts over the Churchill dirt as a juvenile, but his dirt form seems to have improved since then. His running style and pedigree suggest that 1 1/4 miles is within his scope and his speed figures have improved in his last three races. Of more concern is the class of horses he's been defeating since he’s never won above the Grade 3 level. Overall score: B

#11 ALPHA - Alpha steadied at the start of the Wood Memorial and fanned three wide at the top of the stretch. Still, he finished only a neck behind a stubborn Gemologist. The diminutive Alpha has the pedigree and class to run all day. His young sire Bernardini is poised to become a successor to his sire A.P. Indy in getting stamina oriented offspring and already has sired a winner at 1 ¼ miles. Alpha’s dam Munnaya was a long-winded turf router who won at 1 7/16 miles (11 ½ furlongs). Alpha's distaff line is filled with classy champions, such as Fantastic Light, Kentucky Oaks heroine Seaside Attraction and a couple of Canadian Champs. He's overcome minor trouble and has schooled all year to overcome his gate problems. If he can keep his temperament in check on Derby day, Alpha has a legitimate shot to wear the roses. Overall score: A

#12 PROSPECTIVE – is a pretty consistent runner. He followed up his win in the Tampa Bay Derby with a clunker in the Bluegrass Stakes (G-1), but his sixth place finish was only the second off of the board finish in his career. Of concern is that his other off of the board placing came in another Grade 1 attempt in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile. With Malibu Moon as his sire and Awesome Again as a damsire, Prospective has the pedigree to handle 1 ¼ miles and he has excellent mud attributes. Spirited Away, Prospective's dam, won half of her eight starts including the Truly Bound Handicap at 1 1/16 miles over a sloppy track. The immediate female family is light on blacktype; However, Prospective’s third dam North Sider was Champion Older Mare of 1982. Prospective is a mid-pack runner. He could improve his form over a muddy track, but currently he appears to be just a cut below the top horses. Overall score: C

#13 WENT THE DAY WELL – is a borderline colt. His sire Proud Citizen has produced only one stakes winner going 1 ¼ miles. Went The Day Well’s damsire Tiznow tosses some stamina into the mix. Other than his second dam placing in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, Went The Day Well’s distaff line is light on blacktype. The colt has adapted well to racing over dirt and Polytrack. He is improving at the right time and he has a superior pedigree for mud. Went The Day Well has a mid-pack running style. He gets an "A" for pedigree, but he falls into the "who did he beat" category. If the Derby is run over the off going, this colt's day could go well. Overall score: B

#14 HANSEN - Like Union Rags, last year’s Champion Juvenile Colt has lost only twice in his career. His pedigree for 1 ¼ miles is suspect and he is the first blacktype winner in his distaff line in five generations. He has average mud attributes. So far, Hansen has handled every surface with ease and there’s no reason to think that he can’t handle the slop too. Hansen is a free-running colt who likes to be on the lead. Other speed in the Derby and his borderline pedigree for the distance may hamper Hansen's efforts in the Kentucky Derby. Still, the pretty gray colt has out-run his pedigree thus far and shown class, heart and a will to win. Overall score: B

#15 GEMOLOGIST – enters the Kentucky Derby undefeated and basically untested. He’s lightly raced and has raced only once against graded stakes caliber horses this year. Gemologist beat Alpha by a neck in the Wood Memorial, but the colt appeared to wait on Alpha to engage, and then merely toyed with him, winning by a neck. Gemologist has a distance-oriented pedigree and superior mud attributes. He’s shown the determination of his sire, two-time Breeders’ Cup Classic hero Tiznow. Gemologist’s distaff family is quite classy. He is a half sibling to two stakes winners and a stakes placed runner, plus his dam is a half-sister to Kentucky Oaks runner-up Withallprobibility. Gemologist for all accounts is still pretty much untested and his speed figures are on the slow side, so we don't know how talented he really is. He's shown that he can sit off of the pace while showing some fight in the stretch. On the downside, Gemologist appears inexperienced and unfocused. Not what you want to see in the Derby. One thing's for sure. He has the pedigree to run all day, he's passed every test and is the only undefeated colt going into the Kentucky Derby. Overall score: A

#16 EL PADRINO - hit the top of many Derby lists with his scintillating nose victory in the Risen Star after a tough stretch battle. Sent off as one of the favorites in the Florida Derby, El Padrino was kept wide the whole way. Unable to make up ground in the stretch, El Padrino crossed the finish line a lackluster fourth. His sire Pulpit has produced only two stakes winners that have been successful at 1 ¼ miles over the dirt, but El Padrino’s damsire Giant’s Causeway makes up in the stamina department. El Padrino's distaff family is loaded with talented stars and the mares of this distaff line are excellent producers. El Padrino's dam is a half-sister to two Grade 2 stakes winners. El Padrino's second and third dams are Grade 1 winners and his fourth and fifth dams are blue hens (superior producing females). El Padrino is clearly talented and loves the slop. He’s mentally mature, will rate of off the pace for his jockey and has shown athleticism in overcoming minor trouble. Of concern is that he’s raced only four times in his life. El Padrino likes to race a few lengths off of the pace. He's battle tested and has the ability, but he may lack the bottom foundation to get the Derby distance. Overall score: B

#17 DONE TALKING - In winning the Illinois Derby, Done Talking posted one of the slowest final times ever recorded for the race. He flashed a brief promise of positive things to come when finishing fourth, beaten only a length in the Remsen over a speed favoring track. In his three year old debut, Done Talking was a lackluster 10th in the Gotham. He posted his best speed figure in the Illinois Derby. Done Talking's sire, was a solid Grade 2 level runner at 1 1/8 miles. Most emulate their sire and are good for sprints up to 1 1/8 miles, although he is represented by two stakes winners at 1 1/4 miles. The female family of Done Talking includes some solid stakes winners. His half-sister and dam are stakes winning sprinters. His second dam is a Grade 3 winner and Done Talking's fourth dam is the popular race veteran Vodka Talking. Done Talking has a decent pedigree for mud, but his only race over a "good" track resulted in the worse finish in his career. We don't know if it was the surface or some other factor that did him in. Done Talking's pedigree is borderline for 1 1/4 miles and he doesn't appear to be fast enough to keep up with this year's top Derby prospects. On the plus side, his stalking style in a race filled with speed could see him mowing down tired horses late. Overall score: C

#18 SABERCAT - Sabercat earned his way into the Kentucky Derby with a victory in the Delta Jackpot Stakes. In the last nine years, only one colt, Closing Argument, has finished in the top three in both the Delta Jackpot and Kentucky Derby. This year, Sabercat hasn't shown the same flash as he did as a two year old, as he's been trounced by over 16 lengths in his two starts this year. He’s the poster boy for why juvenile stakes earnings shouldn’t be a Kentucky Derby prerequisite. Sabercat has the pedigree of a miler. His sire Bluegrass Cat placed in the Kentucky Derby, Belmont and Travers Stakes, but so far, the third crop sire's offspring have been win early types that are distance challenged with maturity. Sabercat's half-sister Olivine is a stakes winner and his dam is a half sister to a multiple graded stakes placed runner, but overall, his immediate female family is modest. Sabercat has a back of the pack late running style, but he is distance challenged. He finished only a neck behind the determined Secret Circle in the Arkansas Derby, but Sabercat was drifting in the stretch, a sign of a tired horse. If his earnings from the Delta Jackpot didn't count, Sabercat wouldn't be in this year's Derby field. Overall score: D

#19 I’LL HAVE ANOTHER - showed class at age two finishing second in the Best Pal Stakes, a distance for which he wasn’t optimally suited. This year he is undefeated around two turns and nosed out Creative Cause for the victory in the Santa Anita Derby. I’ll Have Another has a stamina laden pedigree. His third crop sire Flower Alley was off to a slow start at stud and his late maturing offspring are best around two turns. I’ll Have Another’s damsire Arch is a young broodmare sire many of his daughters' offspring haven't raced at classic distances. As the sire of Breeders’ Cup Classic winner Blame and a number of other graded stakes winners at 1 ¼ miles, Arch should pass along his stamina genes to his daughters’ offspring. I'll Have Another is the first stakes winner in his distaff family in two generations, but his half-brothers have won past a mile. I’ll Have Another’s mud attributes are average. He prefers to run on or near the lead, but may sit farther back if asked. I’ll Have Another owns the pedigree to excel at classic distances, but he’s coming into the Derby with only two recent races under his girth and may wind up a little short on foundation. His Brisnet speed figure regressed slightly in his last race, but he should improve in his third start off the layoff. Overall score: A

#20 LIAISON – Like Sabercat, Liaison gets a spot in the Derby gate based upon his two year old form. He was a precocious baby and won three straight races, including the CashCall Futurity (G-1). This year is another story. After clipping heels in the Robert B. Lewis, Liaison failed to show any interest in the San Felipe and Santa Anita Derby. He has a borderline pedigree for 1 ¼ miles. There aren't many stakes winners in Liaison's female family. Other than the colt himself, Liaison’s dam Galloping Gal is the most accomplished runner in the family. She spent her racing career competing over the dirt and turf in middle distance stakes events and is Grade 2 Stakes placed. Liaison’s current form is poor and he appears to struggle over dirt. Perhaps a run on the turf is in his future, but his Kentucky Derby chances appear slim. Overall score: D


Track bias: Over the last four days, we’ve seen a definite bias towards speed. The winners in the majority of the races have won as pace setter/pressers. The second and third place finishers have been a mix of pace pressers/off the pace, although the track has been kind to the pace setters as some of them have held on for an in the money finish. Scattered thunderstorms, some severe, have been forecasted. The track will likely be sealed against this possibility. If so, that will likely make it faster.

There are five major factors to consider when weeding out legitimate contenders. In no particular order they are 1. Running Style; 2. Track Surface; 3. Late Pace Figures; 4. Morning works; 5. Pedigree and final prep race.

1. Running Style: Three contestants, Bodemeister, Hansen and Triniberg like to set the pace. Bodemeister and Hansen have the pedigree and foundation to be around at the finish. Hansen has successfully pressed the pace in the past, so he can sit off of the flank or behind whoever is bent on getting the lead.

Take Charge Indy, Gemologist, and I’ll Have Another may sit directly behind the front runners. All three are dangerous and can be there at the end. The latter two have outside posts and may need to be used a little early to get a good position. With Calvin Borel aboard, it’s practically a given that Take Charge Indy will zip to the rail from post 3. Hopefully Borel will use his patented move of skirting the corner around the final turn and not be caught behind a tiring horse.

The next group of mid-pack runners includes Alpha, El Padrino, Union Rags, Went The Day Well, and Creative Cause. Union Rags in the #4 post will have to be careful not to become stuck in traffic. He’s a large horse who has shown that he doesn’t like to be stuck on the inside. El Padrino, from the #16 post may wind up going wide. Toss Prospective, Sabercat and Liaison into the mix that will be sitting mid-pack. That leaves Daddy Nose Best, Dullahan, Done Talking, Rousing Sermon and Optimizer to do their best work from the back of the pack. When they hit the mile pole, these colts should be making their move. If the leaders go too fast early, one of these colts could pass tired rivals and find themselves in contention. Daddy Long Legs is the wildcard. He’s stuck in the unenviable post #1. That forces him to either shoot to the lead, which most Euros don’t do, or be stuck somewhere mid-pack. Often European horses break a step slower than their American counterparts. If this happens, Daddy Long Legs may find himself hanging out with the late running closers.

2. Track Surface: An off track could pay a part in the outcome of the Derby. Rousing Sermon has the best mud pedigree in the field, but he is distance challenged and his form isn’t that great. The colts with experience and strong mud attributes are Gemologist, Take Charge Indy, Union Rags, El Padrino and Hansen. Alpha, Bodemeister and Done Talking also have superior mud pedigrees. Done Talking, Prospective and Creative Cause should also be capable of handling an off track.

3. Late Pace: A horse’s ability to run swifter late fractions is a major factor in route races. Union Rags, Creative Cause and Take Charge Indy are all within three points of one-another. Others with a good late-pace speed figure are I’ll Have Another, El Padrino, Done Talking, Bodemeister, Daddy Nose Best and Went the Day Well. Overall, Dullahan’s speed figures have shown improvement in virtually every start of his career as has Went The Day Well. They are the only two horses in the field to hold this distinction.

4. Morning Works: Races aren’t won on paper, neither are they won during the morning breezes. Unlike paper clues, how a horse looks and acts in the morning can give crucial information on how the horse will perform at crunch time. All week, clockers and the media had the chance to scrutinize every ear twitch and tail swish of the Derby contenders. How relevant is the close attention? Eighteen of the last twenty Kentucky Derby victors breezed over the track prior to the race, so a horse’s physical appearance prior to Derby day is paramount. The consensus from various media was that the following horses looked particularly good all week: Take Charge Indy, Bodemeister, Gemologist, I’ll Have Another, Daddy Nose Best, Went The Day Well, Prospective and Union Rags. At the other end of the spectrum is Hanson, who was rank, Creative Cause appeared to be a little sore, Dullahan has very high leg action and has questionable dirt form. El Padrino appeared hot and lackluster.

5: Final Prep/Pedigree: A significant trend in the last eleven years has been that the Kentucky Derby hero is that it has won or placed in a Grade 1 contest in its final prep and that its damsire’s daughters have previously produced a stakes winner at 1 ¼ miles. In most instances, the Derby winner’s sire has also given us classic distance stakes winners. This year, the colts that fit both the final prep and sire/damsire profile are Alpha, Bodemeister, Dullahan, Gemologist, and Take Charge Indy. I’ll Have Another’s damsire has stakes winners at 1 ¼ miles, but his young sire doesn’t. On the other hand, Creative Cause’s sire gets plenty of winners at 1 ¼ miles, but his damsire, from a limited crop, hasn’t.

So, which names keep cropping up in our analysis?

Take Charge Indy ticks all of the boxes. He has the pedigree, late pace figures, running style, mud attributes and won his last start. Add a hot jock and we’ve got a recipe for success.

We won’t know the track condition until close to post time. So horses that fit three of the four profiles are: Bodemeister, I’ll Have Another, Gemologist, Alpha and Dullahan. Creative Cause gets an honorable mention. His sire has winners at 1 ¼ miles but his damsire doesn’t. How important is this? In the last eleven years, the only horse to win the Kentucky Derby with this profile was Funny Cide. The two share a similar trait, both of their damsires had a limited number of offspring and inadequate representation on the track.

It’s tough to pick just four out of twenty horses in a competitive field. Especially with uncontrollable factors that arise during the running of a race. Below are the horses that, should things go their way, have the best opportunity to win the Kentucky Derby:


#19 I’LL HAVE ANOTHER (12-1)


#15 GEMOLOGIST (6-1)

#11 ALPHA (15-1)

Contestants who don’t tick many of the boxes to win but have other factors, such as morning works in their favor include:

#4 UNION RAGS (9-2)

#10 DADDY NOSE BEST (15-1)

#13 WENT THE DAY WELL (20-1)

#12 PROSPECTIVE (30-1)

Colts that have most factors in their favor, but did not physically impress:

#16 EL PADRINO (20-1)


#5 DULLAHAN (8-1)

#14 HANSEN (10-1)